The reasons of the part between Rossi and Defkalion

Source: Bacheca facebook Cold Fusion Andrea Rossi

Alessandro Casali
August 8th, 2011 at 8:15 AM
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I hope you will agree with me that the news of your recent split-up from Defikalion has undoubtedly put some new shadows on this story, that’s how it goes, the higher the claims the higher the pubblic attenction.

Now if you remember from our previous discussion i had poited out I didn’t think your technology was ready for mass production, at least not in the form nor in the times clamed by Defkalion, thus i’m not really surprised by this news. So was the problem only financial or maybe was Defkalion putting too much pressure on you to meet their schedule?

You have a new and bigger customer now so it should be fine anyway, may i ask you then when you think the University of Bologna will start testing your device? i mean before or after the delivery of the 1MW plant?

I really appreciate you kindness on keeping this open chat with the internet curiouses (like me) and sometimes i ask myself why are you doing this? i mean it is something not really common for someone who is busy working on an invention like this to spend part of his precious time aswering to people curiosity?

Warm Regards,

Andrea Rossi

August 8th, 2011 at 1:38 PM

Dear Alessandro Casali:

I repeat that the reason of the split from Defkalion has been only and exclusively financial.

As for all the other issue: as all our Readers know, I always said that we would have been ready for the market from November only with the 1 MW plants, while for the small units more time was necessary, for many issues.

In fact, we will start in October our 1 MW plant, and we will be ready to sell such plants from November, as I always said, while we will be ready for the small plants in due time. It is true that Defkalion, which is an entity indipendent form us, has repeatedly published that they were ready to make a mass production of E-Cats, they also said repeatedly and publicly that they were ready to invest hundreds od millions of Euros. I had no reason not to believe them. I could not know which kind of assets they had, so, theoretically, they could be able to make what they said, after getting from me the technology to make the core of the reactors. There was not reason not to believe. The problem emerged when, after we waited until the maximum possible term, we demanded that the financial duties be respected. At that point it emerged that the financial resources were not enough to go on. This is the sole real problem. There have not been technological problems (see the comment of their chief scientist Prof. Christos Stremmenos, published here few minutes ago), there have not been personal problems, at all, not counting the fact that I love Greece (by the way: to visit Greece in this season is like to go in Paradise), there have not been problems of delivery, I have already perfectly in schedule my 1 MW plant, while the production in big series of the E-Cats was not my duty ( by the way, I always said them that this policy was completely wrong, for the first 2 years, but they were free to do what they want in reece and Balkans); the only problem has been that they were delaying from months their financial duties, until it has not been possible to go ahead. Of course, since they have not respected what due, I did not give them any confidential information regarding the inside of the reactors.

Warm Regards,


Saluti a tutti

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