Author: E-Cat World

Projected Hot Cat Delivery Date Slips

A recent post by Andrea Rossi on the Journal of Nuclear Physics gives an updated projection for the delivery and installation of the first high temperature E-Cat (hot cat) plants to the first customer. Recently Rossi had said that he expected there wou…

New Comment System for E-Cat World

Just a housekeeping note here — E-Cat World has migrated to the Disqus commenting system, rather than the native WordPress system we have been using here. Disqus is used on many blogs and websites these days, and I am hoping will help increase th…

‘Mega Blog’ Outlines MFMP Plans

In what Bob Greenyer characterizes as probably the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project’s most important blog entry to date, the MFMP team outlines a plan of action. Some key aspects of the post: An explanation that Celani’s experiment at NI…

Rossi on Factories

Andrea Rossi has responded on his Journal of Nuclear Physics Site to a question asking about his manufacturing facilities and a request for pictures of them: Dear Brian: Our factories are in the USA. We have a R&D center in Italy wherein we also m…

Robotics and LENR

An interesting article written by Kevin Kelly in Wired discusses the impact that robotics is having on our world, and how that will continue in the future. The focus is specifically on employment — how the world of work will be affected. The arti…