Author: E-Cat World

LENR Cars Plans EV of the Future

LENR Cars is a site that has recently appeared with the stated goal of “developing a zero emission car, self sustained in terms of energy for at least 40,000 km.” The project is headed by entrepreneur and engineer Nicolas Chauvin who is bas…


I have very recently come across a bit of news from someone whom I consider trustworthy who has knowledge of developments surrounding the upcoming E-Cat test and report which gives an encouraging picture. If the plan that I have learned about is fulfil…

Forums Added to E-Cat World

I have just added a new forums page to E-Cat World. You will see the link on the menu bar above. I had created some forum space last year, but activity was not very heavy and I deleted them (I think an unused forum is rather a sad thing to see). Since …

Why LENR Will Be Embraced

I have noticed that there seems to be a slight uptick in interest in LENR recently — probably due to some of the reports that have been coming out lately from various conferences and publications where the topic is being taken quite seriously by …

“Photos Will be Published”

This is very brief, but I thought this would be of interest to readers here. This exchange was just posted on Rossi’s Journal of Nuclear Physics: Question: “Please ing. Rossi post some pictures of your twenty 600° reactors at works.”…