Author: E-Cat World

Two New LENR Related Articles

I wanted to bring attention to two new articles that have just been published in connection with LENR. The first is a detailed scientific paper submitted to the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (not yet published there) written by Dr. Edmund…

The Motivating Power of Hope for LENR

Hope is a powerful force in many peoples’ lives. I talk regularly with people who, like me, are not content to accept that the status quo is the way things have to be. Hope is a power that drives people to conceive and build many of the innovatio…

The Motivating Power of Hope for LENR

Hope is a powerful force in many peoples’ lives. I talk regularly with people who, like me, are not content to accept that the status quo is things have to be. Hope is a power that drives people to conceive and build many of the innovations and i…

The Very High COP of the E-Cat

This is a guest post written by Hank Mills Recently, there has been a lot of talk and discussion about the COP of the E-Cat. The term COP stands for coefficient of performance. Basically, it means how much power you put in compared to how much you get …

Rossi Says E-Cat COP Fixed at 6

Andrea Rossi has been consistent in saying that his E-Cat systems have a Coefficient of Performance (COP) of 6 — meaning that the total energy output of an E-Cat is six times the amount of energy input. Many of us have wondered whether this numbe…