Author: admin al test del 6 ottobre: Forum

Giovedì 6 ottobre a Bologna inizia un nuovo test dell’E-Cat: sarò presente insieme a un video operatore e comincerò a raccontarvi tutto a partire da venerdì pomeriggio o sabato mattina (abbiamo preso con Rossi l’impegno di non pubblicare nulla prima…

E-Cat: al test del 6 ottobre non ci sarà Brian Josephson – GreenStyle

Che dire? La telenovela dell’estate continua anche in autunno. Avevamo parlato giusto ieri dei nuovi colpi di scena nella vicenda E-Cat – il celebre marchingegno inventato dall’ingegner Rossi che produrrebbe calore grazie a una reazione nucleare di fusione fredda – per cui il test del 6 ottobre sarebbe stato spostato da Uppsala a Bologna.

Intanto, anche media più celebri stanno iniziando a scoprire la notizia, aggiungendo novità via via più disorientanti. Focus, ad esempio, ribadendo l’appuntamento bolognese svela come esso non verrà organizzato dall’Università di Bologna e che non sarà presente quasi sicuramente il premio Nobel per la Fisica Brian Josephson.

The eCat Century | – Independent eCat News

Andrea Rossi is the eCat’s face as well as its inventor. His prolific and single-point engagement with the public can create the impression of a lone wolf working in his attic.

Today, we may be closer to knowing the true scale of his operation and it involves around 100 people.

Cold Fission?

Source: Independent eCat News
Most discussions about potential products of a proven eCat reaction (if it ever comes to pass) treat safety and control as the highest priority. Andrea Rossi tells us that he deliberately underpowers the process to keep it in the safe zone. Answering an interesting question on his blog tonight, he appears to imply that firing the core to a more vigorous state can make it a contender to replace the guts of a fission plant.

No hay milagros: la estafa del E-CAT

Source: The Oil Crash

Hace unas semanas algunos lectores me pidieron que comentara acerca de un invento ideado por dos italianos, Andrea Rossi y Sergio Focardi (presentados como profesores de la Universidad de Bolonia), el artefacto conocido como E-Cat (Energy Catalizer). Este dispositivo se supone capaz de producir energía a partir de níquel, agua y un catalizador no revelado, teniendo un insumo de energía eléctrica con una potencia de 400 vatios cuando llega a su estado estacionario de operación y produciendo un exceso de calor con una potencia estimada de salida de 12.400 vatios. Eso implicaría un retorno en la operación de 31 veces la energía entrada (cuidado, esto no es la Tasa de Retorno Energético (TRE) porque no se tiene en cuenta el coste energético de fabricar la máquina, de producir el níquel y el catalizador, etc), el cual no está nada mal. De ser cierto supondría una revolución energética, acabaríamos con los problemas asociados al Peak Oil e incluso proporcionaría un magnífico estímulo económico. Sólo hay una pega: es una estafa, una elaborada estafa pergeñada por un estafador al cual ni tan siquiera se puede calificar de brillante.

NASA To Test E-Cat?

Source: Indipendent eCat News
With thanks to Ransompw in the comments section, we learn of a rumour about NASA testing Rossi’s eCat starting tomorrow. As with all rumours, we have to be careful. It could be completely untrue. That said, the sources have given good information in the past (Roy Virgilio, an associate of Piantelli and Daniele Passerini from the 22passi blog, a friend of Professor Levi).

In progress : an analysis of the E-Cat Steam Quality.

By Alan Fletcher

1. Abstract

The issue of Steam Quality greatly impacts the calculations on the actual excess energy.

This issue is extensively analyzed by Steven B. Krivit in New Energy Times Issue 37

In particular, Appendix 9: NASA Electrical-Power-Only Steam Analysis reviews the performance of the eCat in relation to an Temperature-Entropy diagram, and states that the Steam quality could be any value between 0 and 1, so that the total output power could be anywhere between 770 W (NO excess energy), to slightly above Rossi’s claimed value of 4900 W.

Mr. Krivit Persistence

I public the full text of a comment to my previous post ‘Mr. Rossi Looks for Happiness’, just received by Andrea Nisto.

Dear Massimo Cali,

I wish to thank you for the Cartoon of Bozzetto: I rememember it Mr. Rossi since I was a kid…
I also share your position concerning the different views of the e-cat and I would like to add a comment taking my cue from the case of Mr. Krivit and his persistence.

The Game Changer: E-Cat Device from Andrea Rossi

Source:Alternative Energy Sources

A new and potentially revolutionary invention is about the hit the market in October 2011. The silence of the US main stream media is deafening, they pretend as if this cold fusion device weren’t exist. Behind the curtain, however, the powers that be are already positioning themselves and preparing for the upcoming energy revolution.

How does apply Prof. Piantelli the Rules of Galileo in practice

ource:EGO OUT

Applications of Galileo’s Rules in TM-LENR (from Piantelli’s messages)
His experimental facts gathered in 20+ years of work in the most orthodox mode possible and following the 4 rules of Galileo- still not completed…have shown him a way (he has arrived to the 4th rule verification)
Note: When our intensive and , for me, very instructive and enjoyable correspondence has started- March 2010, he wrote about the state of facts in his own LENR research- in his laboratory from

Scoperte Scientifiche non Autorizzate |

“La scienza non è nient’altro che una perversione se non ha come suo fine ultimo il miglioramento delle condizioni dell’umanità”.

La fusione fredda è veramente un traguardo irraggiungibile? Le ricerche del prof. Sergio Focardi e dell’Ing. Andrea Rossi sembrano dimostrarne la fattibilità.