Interaction between neutrino flavor oscillation and Dark Energy as a super-luminal propagation

by Marco Lelli

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As it is well known a recent series of experiments, conducted in collaboration between CERN laboratories in Geneva and the Gran Sasso National Laboratory for Particle Physics, could have decreed the discovery of the transmission of a beam of super-luminal particles.
Experimental data indicate that the distance […]

Croniche Italiche: L’E-Cat, ovvero: la metafora di questo paese che rapidamente s’avvicina al baratro… No, scusate: ha gia’ saltato

Seguo con sincero interesse il Vaudeville che s’e’ alzato, da quasi un anno a questa parte, attorno all’ennesima “scoperta” di un metodo “sicuramente funzionante” per ottenere “a costo irrisorio” la “fusione fredda” (ora meglio conosciuta come “Low Energy Nuclear Reactions”,…

“Secrets of E-Cat” Book Review and Q&A with author Mario Menichella

Book Review “Secrets of E-Cat“ by Brad Arnold Brad Arnold read Mario Menichella‘s Secrets of E-Cat almost immediately after the English version was released so we asked him for his impressions. Following his review is a Q&A with author Mario Menichella.–CFN “The aim of this essay, therefore, is not to determine whether the E-Cat is … Continue reading “Secrets of E-Cat” Book Review and Q&A with author Mario Menichella

On the rise of Gravitation in a discrete space-time

by Chatzichri’stos Aris Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece. Direct Download Contents Abstract Introduction 1. Basic Concepts and Principles 2. Conservation of Energy 3. Entropy and Space Expansion 4. Destination and Velocity 4.1 Movement 4.2 Destination 4.3 Velocity 5. Newtonian Gravitation and Special Relativity 5.1 Gravitational Force […]