Tag: ecat

Zurich E-Cat Conference Thread (Day 1)

I thought I would create an open thread for people who are following the September 8-9th E-Cat Conference in Zurich. It can be a place where people can post significant news and information coming out of the conference. I have made some arrangements to…

UPDATE: Live Stream of E-CAT Conference in Zurich

Here is a link for a Live Stream of the E-Cat-Hot Honeycomb Zurich conference taking place — (EDIT) September 8-9. (sorry, original post had Sept.7th) http://www.ecat-deutschland.org/index.php/live-stream Here’s a program pdf of the entire conference breakdown, schedule, etc. in English – http://www.borderlands.de/Links/Kongress080912M-e.pdf Live streaming is here from UStream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/z%C3%BCrich-09-2012-live Here’s the recorded video that was posted … Continue reading UPDATE: Live Stream of E-CAT Conference in Zurich

eCatNews Brief Pt 2

An independent look at Rossi’s eCat by novelist, Paul Story. A former physicist, Paul wrote this brief after months of wading through FUD and clutter trying to sift gold from shit. He has not decided to ‘believe’ yet, but thinks that the circumstantial evidence is so strong and the potential benefits so great that we need to pay attention.

This page will be added to, finessed and relevant links

Getting the new house ready for LENR: Owen Geiger on natural building

Graphic: Torus Design naturally-built house – powered by LENR. “The effects precede the causes” —Marshall McLuhan To appropriate the language of art and psychology, a figure is recognized in relation to a ground. A figure is not seen by the eye without a ground. Our total environment is a constantly morphing ground from which technological … Continue reading Getting the new house ready for LENR: Owen Geiger on natural building