Tag: Francesco Celani

LENR Meets HENR in Turin

A unique conference will begin tomorrow in Turin, Italy, entitled the “The Atom Unexplored.”  This conference will be unique because it will explore both low energy nuclear reactions and high energy nuclear reactions, with the former being covered…

The Emergence of LENR

The recent presentation from Francesco Piantelli of his data from nickel hydrogen LENR experiments seems to be another confirmation that when heated to a certain temperature, and under certain other conditions, excess energy can be obtained by combinin…

Italian LENR Workshop April 10-14

An LENR workshop, the 10th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen  Loaded Metals, is slated to begin tomorrow, April 10th, in Siena, Italy.  The conference’s schedule and  participants are listed at the bottom of this article, and includ…

What Happened to Dr. Miley?

I cannot count on any number of appendages the amount of times I have been asked this question over the last 2 weeks.  As many of you are aware, Dr. Miley was scheduled to give a lecture on March 23, … Continue reading →

Il gran ritorno della “cold fusion”

A 23 anni dall’affossamento della scoperta di Fleischmann e Pons si torna a parlare anche in ambito scientifico di Fusione Fredda, o meglio di LENR (low energy nuclear reactions). L’hanno fatto al CERN di Ginevra i fisici Francesco Celani  e Yogendra Srivastava:“La Barriera di Coulomb, che impedisce ai protoni con carica positiva di avvicinarsi a un nucleo di un atomo anch’esso […]