Spin Waves and LENR (Axil Axil)

The following post has been submitted by Axil Axil There are at least three LENR systems now that have now reported strong RF radiation coming from the system. It could be that RF is an integral part of the LENR reaction, either a driver and/or a resul…

Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems Melvin Miles The Correlation of Excess Heat and Helium

Anomalous Effects in Dueterated Systems documents the work of Dr. Melvin Miles, a US Navy electrochemist who first correlated the excess heat generated from palladium-deuterium systems with the production of helium as a nuclear product.

In three sets of experiments performed at the Navy’s China Lake research lab, samples of gasses coming off the active cells were captured and analyzed by experts in helium measurement.

The University of Texas Austin, the US Department of Interior, and Brian Oliver of Rockwell International, who was the top helium measurement expert in the country at the time, all measured helium in quantities that matched closest to the excess heat generated by the cell if the reaction were D + D fusion going to Helium-4.

But unlike hot fusion, there was no gamma photon, only the generation of heat with a thermal energy close to 24MeV.

Dr. Miles began these experiments as a response to Dr. Julian Schwinger‘s proposal that the reaction was D + H going to Helium-3. Post-doc Benjamin Bush worked with Miles from the University of Texas Austin, and later came to China Lake, to test the hypothesis.

In Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems Melvin Miles The Correlation of Excess Heat and Helium, Dr. Miles provides a lesson in the experimental procedure used to measure the elusive nuclear product. Watch on Youtube here:

The video is taken from an interview with Dr. Miles conducted in August 2015 amid the idyllic southern Oregon, US wilderness in the town of Wolf Creek. Patent lawyer David French joined me at the cabin where Miles was vacationing with his dog Lady.

Two-and-a-half hours of video was reduced to 25 minutes, an eternity for Youtube, but the story of these experiments could be told in no less time. Visuals utilize graphics found in Miles’ papers, as well as the papers from scientists around the world who have also reported finding helium.

A complete transcript of the movie is at Anomalous-Effects-Audio-Transcript

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Read Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems, Final Report authored in 1995, when the China Lake cold fusion program ended:

A Summary of Miles’ work by Jed Rothwell is here

Dr. Miles thinks the paper Correlation Of Excess Enthalpy And Helium-4 Production: A Review. in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion is a good overview, too:

A list of papers on the work of Melvin Miles and other Navy researchers is here at the lenr archive http://lenr-canr.org/wordpress/?page_id=952

Anomalous Effects takes Cold Fusion Now! video to a new evolution with the addition of title music by the excellent Esa Ruoho a.k.a. Lackluster, an electronic musician based in Etelä-Suomi, Finland. I hope you found the sounds elevating as I did.

Vist Esa’s website here and purchase music by Esa at

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Cold Fusion Now! provides you with the best collection of LENR/cold fusion audio and video on our Youtube channel, all free!


A feature documentary film on the last underground on Earth – cold fusion breakthrough energy – is in the works. Your generous support could send Ruby to get more video at ICCF-20 in Japan! Show us you appreciate what we do with your financial contribution.

If I had two loaves of bread, I would sell one and buy hyacinths, for they would feed my soul. –Mohammed

me356 Reports LENR Progress

A few weeks ago we published an interview with LENR replicator me356 who had reported significant progress in LENR replications efforts, and that he was continuing to work on making his reactions safer and more stable. After a while of not reporting mu…

LENR Energy Harvesting (Axil Axil)

The following post has been submitted by Axil Axil. The following discussion is a suggested value added line of business for those LENR based developers that want to make plasma phase LENR reactors more efficient and productive. It seems to me that a s…