Tag: USA

Rossi on Factories

Andrea Rossi has responded on his Journal of Nuclear Physics Site to a question asking about his manufacturing facilities and a request for pictures of them: Dear Brian: Our factories are in the USA. We have a R&D center in Italy wherein we also m…

More on the First Hot Cat

This is just a quick post to follow up on the previous one. I was curious about where the first 1 MW Hot Cat plant might be installed, so I asked Andrea Rossi via email about it. Rossi had said that it would be made in the United States, and I wondered…

October 1 Q&A With Andrea Rossi

Below are some questions I sent to Andrea Rossi today, along with his responses: 1. When do you expect to be creating electricity with the hot cat (Or have you already done so)? I HOPE 1 YEAR, MAYBE BEFORE 2. You have mentioned that certifiers do not a…

‘A Wonderful Work’ [Updated]

Andrea Rossi seems especially happy in his latest post on the Journal of Nuclear Physics: Dear Readers: We are making in Miami a wonderful work. We are raching tremendous results with the High temperature reactors. We will give the results as soon as p…

The Deep Reach of Martin Fleischmann

“So, the puzzle looks approaching the resolution now. The long lasting excess heat phenomena, currently being observed by several groups in Japan, Italy, USA, etc., will be understood in the extension of their research. When we will trace inversely in time, we will find the original point of perspective in the Fleischmann-Pons work at 1989.” … Continue reading The Deep Reach of Martin Fleischmann

Manufacturing Facilities For E-Cats

Recently, on Friday the 13th, to be exact, a poster to Andrea Rossi’s blog Journal of Nuclear Physics about manufacturing of the E-Cats. Francesco Toro asked if the manufacturing of the E-Cat 1MW…E-Cat Report – getting ready for the Energy Catalyzer