Tag: Leonardo Corporation

Is Cherokee Rossi’s Partner?

After following up on a post here last night from reader deleo77 , and public information on the internet suggests that investment company Cherokee, of Raleigh, North Carolina could be Andrea Rossi’s American partner. The connection can be made …

Professor Bo Höistad Answers Critics

Following the negative critique given to the Levi HotCat paper, the Italian magazine, IB Times, conducted an interview with Bo Höistad, one of the seven members of the test team and signatory to the paper. This is an appropriate choice because Ericsson and Pomp are Nuclear physicists at Uppsala. As a peer at the same […]

Rossi’s Changing Role

I think we are seeing a new Andrea Rossi these days. Until quite recently he seemed to be very much his own man when it came to the development and commercialization of the E-Cat. My understanding that he is still CEO of Leonardo Corporation, but he sa…

Rossi Says US Partner Could Take Over

A few months ago, Andrea Rossi and the Leonardo Corporation took a thus-far anonymous partner in the United States. With this partnership, Rossi said that Leonardo Corp is no longer a small battleship,…E-Cat Report – getting ready for the Energy Cata…

Hydrofusion to Demonstrate E-Cats for Clients

Hydrofusion – the licensee who has rights to sell Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat in Northern Europe – have opted to take a unique approach to marketing this amazing source of energy. They are going to demonstrate it for prospective customers. The potential customer does not have to make an initial outlay by purchasing an E-Cat. According […]

Psst! Wanna Buy Some eCat Juice?

Hydro Fusion, the Swedish license holders for Andrea Rossi’s eCat is making an interesting offer to entice a potential Swedish customer to test the water and act as a showcase for the technology. I’m not sure what to think of this. On the one hand it is interesting but I cannot help wonder why such […]

Swedish Pilot Customer wanted for E-Cat plant

According to a press release on their website, U.K.-based Hydro Fusion is looking for a Swedish Pilot Customer to participate in an E-Cat power production pilot-program. HydroFusion is the North European Licensee Group Branch for Andrea Rossi‘s E-Cat and has an office in Sweden. Energy produced by the E-Cat is in the form of steam … Continue reading Swedish Pilot Customer wanted for E-Cat plant

E-Cat: cercasi cliente pilota

Una grande notizia e’ apparsa oggi sul sito della Hydro Fusion Ltd (licenziatario per il Nord Europa dell’E-Cat). Infatti l’azienda svedese e la Leonardo Corporation di Andrea Rossi stanno ufficialmente cercando un cliente pilota per …

More Meta Data On HotCat Test

The following is a rough translation from Google of what appears to be a presentation published as a pdf at Borderlands.de. Borderlands seems to report on fringe science and the Swiss company Transaltec AG – an eCat licensee is among the links on their homepage. The pdf is here and includes some familiar images. I put this […]

The Experimental Investigation of the E-Cat HT, and Heuristics

Heuristic: relating to the general strategies or methods for solving problems Recently an experimental investigation of possible anomalous heat production in a special type of reactor tube named E-Cat HT was carried out and published (“Indication of anomalous heat production in a reactor device containing hydrogen loaded nickel powder,” http://arxiv.org/abs/1305.3913 ). Data was collected in … Continue reading The Experimental Investigation of the E-Cat HT, and Heuristics

E-Cat: nuova intervista con Andrea Rossi

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HwYXL-lmHY Andrea Rossi ancora una volta protagonista di un programma radiofonico. Il 7 maggio il programma The Smart Scarecrow Show e’ stato dedicato interamente a lui e alla sua invenzione, l’E-Cat. Ad intervistarlo, oltre al conduttore Gary Hendershot, Frank Acland di E-Cat World e Sterling Allan di PESN. L’intervista di cui riportiamo il video, e’ durata piu’ […]